D&D, RPG Tips

How I made running D&D fun again

Dungeon Masters: Know the Beginning, Not the End Knowing the beginning, not the end, is a quick DMing trick that can get your sessions up and running while keeping your players engaged. Are there other ways to run a session? Sure. But this method will help if you don’t have time to prep but still […]

D&D, Movies, RPG Tips

DMing from The Mummy (1932) | How to DM D&D (video)

The Mummy (1932) Dungeon masters need to immerse themselves in stories and knowledge. We can’t be flipping through books at the gaming table or spending hours prepping before a session. We need to create a catalog of stories in our minds that we can draw from while running D&D. Let’s consider The Mummy from 1932.

Conventions, RPGs

Gen Con 2024 Report – Dicegeeks

I went to Gen Con for the first time in my life, and apparently, I’ve lived to tell about it. I had two main goals: to play games and meet people who work in the gaming industry. I ended up playing a lot of games. However, I got so caught up looking for interesting games

D&D, RPG Video

Train Your Brain To Run D&D (video)

Make Dungeon Master Prep Theater of the Mind | The No-Prep Game Master Let’s face it, we don’t have time to spend hours preparing for a D&D session and then spend hours playing D&D another night during the week. We have to put food on the table. We have spouses and families. We have to

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