Critically acclaimed author Howard Andrew Jones joins me today to discuss his Pathfinder novels, his new fantasy novels, writing, Dungeon and Dragons, and more. Howard talks about how he began role-playing and how he decided to be a writer.
Howard Andrew Jones Books and Links
In the podcast, we talk about a number of Howard’s book. To learn more about Howard and his books check out the links below.
- – Official Website
- Amazon Author Page – Howard’s page on
- For the Killing of Kings – The first novel of the Ring-Sworn Trilogy
- Upon the Flight of the Queen – The second novel in the Ring-Sworn Trilogy
- Upon the Flight of the Queen – Book Trailer
- Howard’s Twitter
- Howard’s Facebook
Pathfinder Novels by Howard Andrew Jones
- Pathfinder Tales: Through The Gate in the Sea
- Pathfinder Tales: Beyond the Pool of Stars
- Pathfinder Tales: Stalking the Beast
- Pathfinder Tales: Plague of Shadows