RPG Campaign Aids

book of random tables
Random RPG Tables, RPG Aids, RPG Campaign Aids

The Book of Random Tables

Cut down gamemaster prep time with D100 random tables. Use these random tables to enhance your RPG campaigns and have more fun at the gaming table. For use with any fantasy TTRPG like Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, 13th Age, and more. Playing Tabletop RPGs Solo The random tables found in these books are essential to

dicegeeks RPG anarchy
RPG Campaign Aids

As dusk gives way to night… Post-Apocalyptic Campaign Finale

For nine weeks a group of friends has gathered to play a post-apocalyptic role-playing game. This Wednesday night the RPG campaign will conclude. As the GM, I wrote some setup for the campaign climax. Last Session Setup As dusk gives way to night, the cold rain becomes sloppy snow. A young boy’s scream is cut short. Drug-crazed gang members flit

Realms of Understreet 5e
RPG Campaign Aids

Realms of Understreet – First Impressions

How I discovered RoU I started following Dice Geeks on Twitter some time ago for the tweets, blog posts, and RPG content. Dice Geeks is a great content provider, so when I saw the tweet about Realms of Understreet with that magical rat floating on the cover I knew I had to check it out.

tabletop rpg blogs
RPG Campaign Aids

Tabletop RPG Blogs: A List of 156 Awesome Blogs

Incredible things are happening on tabletop RPG blogs these days. Diverse opinions, gamemaster tips, homebrew rules, maps, and amazing artwork are all just a few clicks away. It shouldn’t be surprising that a hobby so passionately enjoyed has produced a ton of high-quality blogs. I’ve collected a list here of some gems. Tabletop RPG Blog

Yggdrasil - The Tree of Life
RPG Campaign Aids

The Tree of Life Motif in Tabletop RPGs

[cs_content][cs_section parallax=”false” style=”margin: 0px;padding: 0px;”][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/3″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]The tree of life concept has fascinated mankind for millenniums. Only a quick survey of mythology and folklore reveals an array of diverse cultures with similar stories. In fact, the idea of life being connected and spreading out

Realms of Understreet RPG
RPG Campaign Aids

Realms of Understreet – 5e Campaign Setting

Fantasy Kingdoms of Rats Living and Warring beneath Manhattan Tooth and Claw – Sword and Scabbard – Magic and Myth – These are not your average rats. What people said about the introductory PDF: “Just genius. I don’t think I could ever express just how amazing this is. I would give this a 20 out

RPG Campaign Aids

RPG Aid: Forests

Breathe Life into Your Campaigns Not Just Wander by Country Role-playing game adventuring parties often find themselves in a forest. Their quests take them through or near or beyond great wooded lands on many occasions. Fill your RPG campaign with mystery and wonder. Don’t allow yourself as a GM to simply rely on clichés or

RPG Campaign Aids

RPG Campaigns – Submarines: The Silent Service

Running Role-playing Games Under the Waves The history of submarines is fraught with disaster and turmoil. Mankind’s struggle to wage war beneath the Sea has claimed many lives. Drama abounds on submarines. Danger lurks around every corner. One false move can spell the Doom of the entire crew. Dozens of men packed in a cramped

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