RPG Aids

D20 rpg dice
RPG Aids, RPGs

Dice Goblins Unite! RPG Dice for the Obsessed

RPG dice are captivating. Besides, role-playing and crafting fascinating characters, one of the satisfying aspects of tabletop role-playing games is rolling dice. There’s getting around it. Some role-players even become dice goblins collecting and hoarding dice. The obsession is widespread in the hobby and I am no exception. I love dice. I have bags full […]

RPG Aids, Star Wars

FFG Star Wars Character Sheet

My collection of FFG Star Wars Character sheets! Let me be clear. I love Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars RPG. As of writing, I have only been able to play a few times, but I had an absolute blast. Also, I love character sheets. I enjoy making characters and exploring the best layout of character

book of random tables
Random RPG Tables, RPG Aids, RPG Campaign Aids

The Book of Random Tables

Cut down gamemaster prep time with D100 random tables. Use these random tables to enhance your RPG campaigns and have more fun at the gaming table. For use with any fantasy TTRPG like Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, 13th Age, and more. Playing Tabletop RPGs Solo The random tables found in these books are essential to

D&D reading list
D&D, RPG Aids

D&D Recommended Reading

Looking for D&D recommended reading? You have all the sourcebooks you need to play, but are you looking for inspirational reading to inform your campaigns and game worlds? Fortunately, the creators of D&D have provided lists of recommended books to inspire players and dungeon masters. These books give us a window into the creation of

starfinder character sheet
RPG Aids

Starfinder Character Sheet

The Starfinder character sheet! I decided to collect different Starfinder character sheets as I did with Pathfinder character sheets. I love RPG character sheets and nothing beats being able to find the exact one you need when getting ready for your RPG campaign. Also, included are some links to Starfinder ship and drone sheets as

Random D&D Race and Class Tables
RPG Aids

Random D&D Race and Class Tables

A friend in my gaming group created these two D&D Race and Class tables. These random tables come in handy while playing D&D. Often a dungeon master or players need a random fantasy race or character class. Hanging out in inns or taverns, traveling along the road, or strolling about towns always presents the opportunity

D&D critical hit tables
RPG Aids

D&D Critical Hit Weapon Damage Tables

One of my regular gaming group members created these D&D critical hit weapon damage tables. Sometimes you just want to add a bit of flare or something unique to a combat encounter. Or give that extra spice to a nat 1 or a nat 20. If one of your D&D players rolls a critical hit

D&D spell scrolls
RPG Aids

D&D Spell Scrolls

This D&D Spell Scrolls random table was created by a member of my RPG gaming group. One annoying problem of finding a random spell scroll in a dungeon while playing D&D is that the DM then has to figure out which spell and which level. Now, that’s not as rough as coal mining, but it

D&D Warlock Patrons
RPG Aids

D&D Warlock Patrons

This D100 random table of D&D warlock patrons was created by a friend in my RPG gaming group. If you have a player struggling to come up with a patron idea, this table can be very useful. It’s packed with creative options. Additionally, as a Dungeon Master running a game, it’s always helpful to have

random tables gamemaster prep
RPG Aids

RPG Gamemasters Fill Yourselves with Stories

Okay, this is the woo-woo section where I tell you to be a better person. Just hang with me for a bit. I think it is critical for any gamemaster or dungeon master to understand story. To understand how stories work and how they are told. But I don’t want to go overboard. I don’t

random tables gamemaster prep
RPG Aids

Session Zero: TTRPG Tool

Session zero is a very helpful tool in the gamemaster’s toolkit. It is a relatively new development in tabletop RPGs and it has gone kind of mainstream within the gaming community (if there is such a thing). I wish I would have thought of it when I was a teenager. If you are beginning an

role of gm
RPG Aids

GMing on-the-Fly: Roll for the Answer

If you get overwhelmed with all the decisions that a gamemaster has to make, there is a quick way to solve that issue in the no-prep GM model. This is what I like to call the best-case/worst-case roll. (Yes, I need a better name for this, but this will do for now.) Simply take a

D&D encounters
RPG Aids

D&D Encounters – 1D20 Random Tables

D&D 5e Encounter Ideas Random D&D encounters can be the life’s blood of the game. That’s why I love random tables. Not only do random encounter tables cut down GM prep, but they also provide a variety of situations that game masters may not have thought of at all. Below are some 1D20 tables that

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