Author name: dicegeeks

runeQuest character sheet

RuneQuest Character Sheet

RuneQuest character sheet collection! RuneQuest is one of the granddaddies of all tabletop role-playing games. It is published by Chaosium first in 1978. This page is where I’ll be gathering RuneQuest sheets and other resources. I’ll do my best to update the page as I discover more resources. Please keep in mind that the RuneQuest […]

mothership rpg character sheet

Mothership RPG Character Sheet

I’m gathering Mothership RPG character sheets. Mothership is a science fiction horror tabletop role-playing game released by Tuesday Night Games. I’ve included a series of character sheets from DriveThruRPG that are compatible with Mothership. All of the main character types for Mothership are given a clear and simple design. Also, you’ll find official character sheets

Cyberpunk Character Sheet

Cyberpunk Character Sheet

My Cyberpunk character sheet collection. I’m pulling together resources sheets and more for this pioneer RPG of the cyberpunk genre. As you will see the best character sheets are available on the game publisher’s website. They have excellent PDFs available for free download. If you are looking for core rules, keep scrolling. I’ve included

Dungeon Crawl Classics Character Sheet

Dungeon Crawl Classics Character Sheet

My Dungeon Crawl Classics character sheet collection. I’ve started gathering sheets and other DCC RPG resources. DCC is a D&D retroclone that harkens back to the days of old-school Dungeons and Dragons. It features 0-level characters and a death funnel to see which one of those characters survives to the 1st level. Keep scrolling for

DnD Open Game License Scandal

Run DnD Without Prep

Can you run D&D without prep? Do dungeon masters need to spend hours during the week preparing encounters and epic stories? Is there a dungeon master shortage because D&D is too difficult to run? Let’s dive into these questions, shall we? The answer to the first question is of course you can run a session tabletop RPG show
dicegeeks Podcast

Kobold Press Founder Wolfgang Baur Interview

The founder of Kobold Press, Wolfgang Baur, joins me on the podcast today. We have a wide-ranging discussion covering game mastering, game design, and much more. Wolfgang informs us how he discovered Dungeons and Dragons and gives us insight into Kobold Press. Don’t miss this episode. Kobold Press Links Kobold Press creates and published outstanding

old school dnd

Best DnD Retroclone

D&D has been cloned! What are the best D&D Retroclones? Whether you want to relive the glory days of the late 70s and early 80s or you want to learn the roots of the TTRPG hobby, D&D retro-clones are the answer. What the clones do is they take the original rules of D&D and rewrite

dnd dungeon map

Making Great Dungeons

Making great dungeons or is it making dungeons great? Either way dungeon masters since at least 1974 have been been trying to run their players through the best dungeons. If you are running Dungeons and Dragons, great dungeons are key to your success as a dungeon master. fortunately awesome dungeons aren’t as complicated as some

icrpg character sheet

ICRPG Character Sheet

Index Card RPG character sheet collection. I’ve gathered links to character sheets for ICRPG below. The Index Card RPG is an innovative take old school Dungeons and Dragons. Simple rules, easy character creation, and more set this role-playing game apart from others. ICRPG is setting neutral allowing game masters and players to take this rules

honey heist
dicegeeks Podcast

RPG Game Design with Honey Heist Creator Grant Howitt

Honey Heist creator and RPG game designer, Grant Howitt, joins me on the podcast today. Grant fills us in on his experience with tabletop role-playing games. We talk about Honey Heist and some of the principles of RPG game design. Grant also gives incredible advice for anyone who wants to design tabletop role-playing games for

DnD Open Game License Scandal

DnD Open Game License: A Guide to Controversy

Recent leaked changes to the D&D OGL have rocked the RPG world. Like many, I have no idea what to think about these changes to the Open Game License and what they will mean for Dungeons and Dragons, and WotC. However, I do know that the potential to disrupt RPG creators and third-party book publishers


Rifts Character Sheet Fillable

Rifts the role-playing game is published by Palladium Books and debuted in 1990. The Rifts RPG is famous for smashing elements from many different genres including cyberpunk, fantasy, mythology, science fiction, dungeon punk, and more into a massive world where a vast array of character types and adventures are possible. I played my fair share

mutants and masterminds character sheet pdf

Mutants and Masterminds Character Sheet PDF

A collection of Mutants and Masterminds character sheets. M&M is one of the best superhero tabletop role-playing games. It has a long history with many editions and tons of adventures and supplements. First, is a list of core books for M&M, and then is the list of character sheets. Most of the sheets are free.

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