Author name: dicegeeks

tabletop rpg blogs
RPG Campaign Aids

Tabletop RPG Blogs: A List of 156 Awesome Blogs

Incredible things are happening on tabletop RPG blogs these days. Diverse opinions, gamemaster tips, homebrew rules, maps, and amazing artwork are all just a few clicks away. It shouldn’t be surprising that a hobby so passionately enjoyed has produced a ton of high-quality blogs. I’ve collected a list here of some gems. Tabletop RPG Blog […]

rpg player
RPG Tips

RPG Players Should Be Descriptive, But When?

Make Character Actions Descriptive “Umm… Since I can’t do anything else, I guess, I attack him.” Rolls dice. “Umm… A fourteen, that’s a hit.” Ok, so we’ve all done this. I’m an offender as well. But, when written this way, it’s plain for everyone to see. If you are not being descriptive when declaring your

RPG Dice
RPG Tips

RPG Players: You Should Be a Jerk

by Andrew Nagy As far as I’m concerned, the cardinal rule of roleplaying, as well as most of life, is “Don’t be a jerk.” Tabletop RPG is a hobby, and as such the highest goal is always to just have fun. People who are jerks (whether it’s the GM or a player) tend to ruin

Yggdrasil - The Tree of Life
RPG Campaign Aids

The Tree of Life Motif in Tabletop RPGs

[cs_content][cs_section parallax=”false” style=”margin: 0px;padding: 0px;”][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/3″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]The tree of life concept has fascinated mankind for millenniums. Only a quick survey of mythology and folklore reveals an array of diverse cultures with similar stories. In fact, the idea of life being connected and spreading out

Fantasy RPG warehouse
Random RPG Tables

Fantasy Warehouse – 1D100 Random Table

A Simple RPG Random Search Table Click the image to download the free PDF. A random 1D100 list of items that could be found in a warehouse. Your player want ot search that warehouse? No problem. This table will help you fill in details quickly. Download the FREE PDF here: Fantasy Warehouse 1D100. 1. Empty

Realms of Understreet RPG
RPG Campaign Aids

Realms of Understreet – 5e Campaign Setting

Fantasy Kingdoms of Rats Living and Warring beneath Manhattan Tooth and Claw – Sword and Scabbard – Magic and Myth – These are not your average rats. What people said about the introductory PDF: “Just genius. I don’t think I could ever express just how amazing this is. I would give this a 20 out

Sea of Star RPG Cover
RPG Creator Interviews

Terra/Sol Games – Mike Cross Interview

Twilight Sector Campaign Setting and More Mike Cross from Terra/Sol Games was gracious enough to answer a few questions. We learn more about Twilight Sector and other upcoming projects. How were you introduced to role-playing games? Well I actually got started pretty close to the beginning of the hobby in 1978 and it was in

RPG Rumors 1D100
Random RPG Tables

Fantasy Rumors & Odd Jobs – 1D100 RPG Table

Roll on the Random Table Click the image to download the free PDF If your adventuring party reaches a town or city, this 1D100 random table of rumors and odd jobs provides exciting opportunities for adventure. Never get caught at a dead end. Give your players tons of avenues to explore. Download the free PDF

1D100 List Cottage
Random RPG Tables

Items in a Cottage 1D100 RPG List

Simple 1D100 List for RPGs A friend in my gaming created a 1D100 list for items that may be found in a cottage. Download the free PDF here: Items in a Cottage 1D100 Click the image to download the free PDF Rodent droppings Mushrooms (1D6) Deer pelt Broken longbow Boiling soup Freshly picked flowers Carrots

Wild Magic D&D 5e
RPG Creator Interviews

Truly Wild Magic Card Deck Creator Interview

Make Wild Magic Truly Wild Session Zero’s Ralph Levi Clark was kind enough to give us the rundown on their latest project: a card deck that greatly expands Wild Magic. How were you introduced to role-playing games? Back in middle school my cousin (who lived with me at the time) was telling me about this

wizard's chamber 1D100
Random RPG Tables

Items in a Wizard’s Chamber

A Simple Random 1D100 Table for RPGs A list of items you may find in a wizard’s chamber. It is meant to help Gamemasters add flavor text to their adventures. You can download the free PDF here: Items in a Wizard’s Chamber Click the image to download the FREE PDF of the list. 1. Canary

RPG 1D100 Table
Random RPG Tables

50 Fantasy Catastrophes

Role-Playing Game 1D100 Table Don’t pass this up, grab it now. DOWNLOAD THE FREE PDF! If your RPG towns, villages, or regions need spicing up, here are 50 quick catastrophes. It is a simple 1D100 table. 1-2. Flood 3-4. Sandstorm 5-6. Curse 7-8. Tornado 9-10. Packs of Wolves 11-12. Earthquake 13-14. Roving Giants 15-16. Locusts

1D100 random table
RPG Tips

Problem Role-Players and How to Handle Them

RPGs: Handling Player and Group Dynamics Questions about problem role-players always come up. This simple tongue-in-cheek guide may help you deal with common problems facing anyone who plays role-playing games. Common Problem Players If you are a player… Problem – “The game master/other player keeps pushing racism, rape, abuse, etc. That is a real life

BlasTech DH-17
Random RPG Tables, Star Wars

Star Wars D6 1D100 Random Blasters

Star Wars Blasters Random Roll Table BlasTech DH-17 A simple list of Star Wars blasters that were featured in the WEG Star Wars D6 role-playing game. I’m looking to add the stats. However, I just needed a quick table to introduce some variety for my players. 1D100 Random Blasters Table EA SBP-200 Merr-Sonn G8 Xerrol Nightstinger

World Gone Wild Movie
Movies, RPG Tips

Great Game Masters Steal

My Friend Ran A Session Based on a Movie and I Loved It This Reddit post Do the GMs/GMs out there ever steal story elements from things you know your players don’t watch/read for homebrew campaigns? reminded me of a story. The Mid-90’s About 20 years ago, I was trying to create a post-apocalyptic RPG.

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