Author name: dicegeeks

fantasy RPG city map
RPG Maps

Fantasy RPG City Map: Porthaven

Add a City Map to Your RPG Campaign This city map would make a great centerpiece to a pirate or fantasy RPG campaign. Heck, it would work well for a random city you need on the fly. Looking for quick items or encounters? Try my random 1D100 tables. Story Hook Questions Why is there no […]

RPG search table
Random RPG Tables

Random 1D100 Table: Items on a Dead Goblin

Random RPG Search Table How many dead goblins are in your typical fantasy RPG? Lots. Whenever your players slay these little foes, simply use this random table to fill in details of what the poor devil was carrying. I have created a lot more random 1D100 tables as well. GET 10 FREE DUNGEON MAPS –

tabletop RPG dungeon map
RPG Maps

Tabletop RPG Dungeon Map: Ivalice’s Chambers

Dungeon Map for RPGs Ivalice’s Chambers often intrigue adventurers. The thought of what the wizard may have left in her chambers plays upon greed. Even though some adventures have set out to explore the ruins, none have ever returned. GET 10 FREE DUNGEON MAPS – CLICK HERE

fantasy RPG city map
RPG Maps

Fantasy RPG City Map: Ivywood

City Map for Your RPG Session This map is perfect for any fantasy RPG session. Grab and drop into your with whatever details and characteristics you need. If you need to generate the contents of rooms or set up encounters quickly, check out my random 1D100 tables. Possible Story Hook Situated on the top of a

Fantasy RPG names
Random RPG Tables

Random 1D100 Table: 600 Old English Names

Random Fantasy Names A massive list of names for your fantasy RPG sessions. Don’t end up with an NPC named, “Bob” unless you want to for some reason. This PDF contains six 1D100 tables, so you will never be caught without a name. I have created a lot more random 1D100 tables as well. GET 10

Book of Random Tables science fiction
Random RPG Tables

The Book of Random Tables: Science Fiction

Do you play Traveller or Starfinder? Star Trek, Star Wars, or Stars Without Number? Another science fiction tabletop role-playing game? BUY THE BOOK OF RANDOM TABLES PDF NOW – CLICK HERE GET THE PAPERBACK – CLICK HERE If so, these 26 random tables will help you cut down your GM prep time. Don’t waste time creating things your players will never see.

dungeon map
RPG Maps

Tabletop RPG Dungeon Map: Dettun

Fantasy RPG Dungeon Map These shattered ruins are all that is left of the ancient city of Dettun. Very few have ever summoned the courage to explore its secrets. GET 10 FREE DUNGEON MAPS – CLICK HERE

fantasy RPG city map
RPG Maps

Fantasy RPG City Map: Aeraloth

RPG City Map This is a great map that can be used in your RPG campaigns. It is a mammoth city with tons of character and oddities ready to be explored. Don’t forget to use some of my random 1D100 tables to fill in the blanks. Story Hook for Adventures Aeraloth is a city at

fantasy RPG city map
RPG Maps

Fantasy RPG City Map: Pleida

Fantasy RPG City Map Here’s a city map of a medium-sized town. Feel free to use it in your RPG campaigns, if you like. The location next to a river mouth opens up a number of story possibilities. Check out my random 1D100 tables. They can help gamemasters generate encounters quickly. RPG Story Hook From a distance,

random encounters RPG
Random RPG Tables

Random 1D100 Table: Fantasy Swamp Encounters

100 Fantasy RPG Swamp Encounters If you are running an RPG session in a swamp, this table will help you be prepared. One hundred interesting and spooky encounters to throw at your players. If you need more resources dealing with swamps, I wrote a guide to help: Wetlands: Swamps, Marshes, Bogs, and Fens I have created a lot more random

fantasy RPG city map
RPG Maps

Fantasy RPG City Map: Laketown

City Map for Your RPG Campaigns Grab this city map if you need to create a destination for your adventuring party. The map has many features that cry out different stories. Check out my random 1D100 tables. They could help game masters add some details. RPG Story Hook Laketown hasn’t changed much in a hundred years.

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