Author name: dicegeeks

random tables gamemaster prep
RPG Tips

Gamemasters: Use Technology in TTRPGs

Technology has obviously become a huge part of our modern lives. Gamemasters should embrace it, especially if you are not prepping for sessions. Technology provides role-players a lot of helpful options when we’re at the gaming table. Let’s use everything at our disposal to help us create better RPG sessions and campaigns. PowerPoint in TTRPGs […]

RPG city map
RPG Maps

Marwood: RPG City Map

Another great city for you to use in your next tabletop RPG session. Use my random 1D100 tables to fill in some details. The map was generated with this tool and I colored it.

random tables gamemaster prep
RPG Tips

Gamemasters: Listen to the Table

Another important resource at the gamemaster’s disposal that usually goes overlooked is to listen to the table. What I mean by that is as your players talk while they are at the table, listen to what they say. The players tend to talk about everything. They discuss their plans. They mull bits of information their

role of gm
RPG Tips

Gamemasters: Never Be Afraid to Retcon

Running an RPG session without prepping can certainly lead to mistakes. However, I made a ton of mistakes even when I spent hours prepping. A gamemaster should never be afraid to retcon. Backtracking a bit to set something right is perfectly acceptable and players should understand that the even best GMs make mistakes. If You

starfinder character sheet
RPG Aids

Starfinder Character Sheet

The Starfinder character sheet! I decided to collect different Starfinder character sheets as I did with Pathfinder character sheets. I love RPG character sheets and nothing beats being able to find the exact one you need when getting ready for your RPG campaign. Also, included are some links to Starfinder ship and drone sheets as

random tables gamemaster prep
RPG Tips

How Lists of Names Help Gamemasters

No-prep GMing can be very rewarding. However, one of the biggest pitfalls can be names. Coming up with exciting people and place names on the spot can be the death of even the best gamemasters. The main trick to not having every NPC named Bob or every town named Springfield is to have lists of

TTRPG town map
RPG Maps

Newton: TTRPG Town Map

  A small village provides many opportunities for role-players, so grab this town map and use it in a session. Use my random 1D100 tables to fill in some details. The map was generated with this tool and I colored it.

Random D&D Race and Class Tables
RPG Aids

Random D&D Race and Class Tables

A friend in my gaming group created these two D&D Race and Class tables. These random tables come in handy while playing D&D. Often a dungeon master or players need a random fantasy race or character class. Hanging out in inns or taverns, traveling along the road, or strolling about towns always presents the opportunity

D&D critical hit tables
RPG Aids

D&D Critical Hit Weapon Damage Tables

One of my regular gaming group members created these D&D critical hit weapon damage tables. Sometimes you just want to add a bit of flare or something unique to a combat encounter. Or give that extra spice to a nat 1 or a nat 20. If one of your D&D players rolls a critical hit

D&D spell scrolls
RPG Aids

D&D Spell Scrolls

This D&D Spell Scrolls random table was created by a member of my RPG gaming group. One annoying problem of finding a random spell scroll in a dungeon while playing D&D is that the DM then has to figure out which spell and which level. Now, that’s not as rough as coal mining, but it

D&D Warlock Patrons
RPG Aids

D&D Warlock Patrons

This random table of D&D warlock patrons was created by a friend in my RPG gaming group. If you have a player struggling to come up with a patron idea, this table can be useful. Also, as a Dungeon Master running a game, it is always nice to have a list of demons and fey

TTRPG city map
RPG Maps

Stormsworth: TTRPG City Map

When your players stumble out of the wilderness give them an exciting place to have some urban adventures. Use my random 1D100 tables to fill in some details. The map was generated with this tool and I colored it.

role of gm
RPG Tips

Gamemasters: Players Can Help Create

Creating a world for an RPG campaign does not have to be a solitary experience. A lonely gamemaster sitting at a computer desk creating reams of material dreaming of friends who actually want to play role-playing games as desperately as he does is not a healthy state of being. Have your players help you create

random tables gamemaster prep
RPG Tips

GMs: Don’t Create What the Players Won’t Touch

If you are creating your own setting for an RPG campaign there are some keys to not losing your mind. Let me back up to say worldbuilding is a ton of fun. That’s why it is easy for some gamemasters to get a little out of hand. We are looking for an outlet for our

role of gm
RPG Tips

Gamemasters Use Combat to Your Advantage

Gamemasters sometimes you need time to think during a session. Other times you need a place to start your campaign or session. If you are playing Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder or another combat heavy tabletop RPG, you’re in luck. Combat is a great stalling tactic as well as a great place to start an RPG

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