Author name: dicegeeks tabletop RPG show
dicegeeks Podcast

RPG Podcasting, Ironsworn with Errant Adventures’ Steve Morrison

Steve Morrison from the Errant Adventures RPG podcast joins me on the podcast. Steve and I have a wide-ranging conversation covering tabletop role-playing games, writing, podcasting, and more. We discuss his RPG podcast and explore Ironsworn and Ironsworn: Starforged, two solo RPGs designed by Shawn Tomkin. We also take time to talk about solo […] tabletop RPG show
dicegeeks Podcast

TTRPG Game Master Advice with Brian from Snow Fight Studios

Brian from Snow Fight Studios joins me on the podcast. We jump headlong into our love of role-playing games. We talk about running games, our experiences playing, and we drop tons of GMing advice. We learn about Brian’s miniature painting, artwork, and more of his RPG endeavors. Snow Fight Studios Links Check out Brain’s RPG tabletop RPG show
dicegeeks Podcast

Trademarks, Copyrights, RPGs, Sci-Fi Movies with Charles Hildebrandt

Entertainment lawyer and role-player, Charles Hildebrandt, joins me on the podcast today. We have a massively wide-ranging conversation from science fiction to role-playing games to film to copyright and trademark law. We learn his father was famed science fiction illustrator Tim Hildebrandt. Charles gives us insight into his RPG journey dropping some great game master

DnD Open Game License Scandal

Is it hard to be a DM in D&D?

Being a D&D Dungeon Master is not as hard as many make it out to be. It can be challenging at times, but everyone can do it. The dungeon master is an essential role in the game and I believe every player should try it at least a few times. Don’t worry you do not tabletop RPG show
dicegeeks Podcast

Dungeons and Dragons in Therapy with Eric Koll

Eric Koll, therapist and longtime role-player, joins me on the podcast today. We discuss RPGs, Dungeon and Dragons, and more. We talk about how he uses role-playing games in therapy. The conversation ranges from game master advice to many other topics and how tabletop role-playing games can help people deal with mental health issues. Chicago tabletop RPG show
dicegeeks Podcast

Using RPGs to Heal with Menachem Cohen

Game designer and Rabbi, Menachem Cohen, pops in on the podcast today. We discuss work in using RPGs to help people heal and grow. We talk about game design, several games he has worked on, and tons of game master advice. Menachem Cohen Links and Twitch Show Check out Menachem’s games, RPG streaming, and other tabletop RPG show
dicegeeks Podcast

Folklore in Narrative Design with Nick Jones

Narrative designer, Nick Jones, drops in on the podcast today. We discuss his work in crafting stories for video games and talk about story structure. Also, we delve into Nick’s theories and ideas of using folkloric motifs in narrative design. Please join us for this fascinating conversation about stories, folklore, and more to learn how tabletop RPG show
dicegeeks Podcast

Tabletop RPG Design, Promethium Books with Ash Kain and Brandon Miller

Ash Kain and Brandon Miller, the masterminds behind Promethium Books, drop in on the podcast today. We discuss our gaming histories and then dive into tabletop role-playing game design. We talk dice mechanics and Promethium Books’ upcoming RPG projects. Promethium Books Links and RPGs Official Website – Promethium Books Advent Horizon on DriveThruRPG “Advent Horizon tabletop RPG show
dicegeeks Podcast

Spelljammer, Marvel Superheroes RPG with Jeff Grubb

Spelljammer creator and writer, Jeff Grubb, drops in on the podcast today. We talk about Jeff’s career and how came to work at TSR. We discuss the classic setting of Spelljammer and its genesis. Plus, Jeff was also the lead designer on the Marvel Superheroes role-playing game. The Marvel Superheroes RPG was a very important

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